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PostPosted: Sat 1:03, 24 Aug 2013    Post subject: Die größte deutsche Aion Community

Die größte deutsche Aion Community
People were slowly filling the room, after we arrived at the spanish restaurant in "Münster". The bad thing was that Martin "Amboss" Rabl (Aion Community Coordinator) and Martin Kerstein (Guildwars Community Coordinator) were the last people to arrive at the meeting place but the good thing they were sitting down at the last three seats on our side. And if this was not enough. Kerstein was talking about, that NC Soft got some money for us. that meant free drinks and food for everyone.
We started directly our conversation with Amboss and Kerstein about Aion,peuterey down jacket. Amboss talked first about his impressions and after Gallagher had eaten up the rest of the meal from Kerstein we went outside for the interview. Amboss answered our community questions without any hesitations. We had some problems while we were doing the interview. the restaurant was too noisy inside and outside it was dark. Well in the end we did it anyway and at least we got a useful record of the voices.
After we came back with Amboss to the other people, he didn`t waste any time to show us the new videos from Aion. This is a report about what we have seen.
He starts with something. how should we explain it. some kind of Asmodian Swingers Cl. Swimming Pool. Its a place with many hot springs under a big tree and some NPCs with bathing suits and bikinis are sitting around. There is very mysterious and wicked atmosphere in this place and the people are joking around about that "Swingers Club" thing. All Asmodians are enjoying the hot water while wearing a strange mask. Some leafs are raining down from the beautiful tree (you know them. the big ones from the videos) and many small geysers are spitting out water into the sky.
This mystic place is casting a strange spell over the people who are watching the video. Amboss is explaining the difference between the Asmodians and the Elyos. Elyos are more like a professional military and the Asmodians are a chummy companionship. People should stop comparing the dark side with a bad thing, because the Asmodians aren`t bad monsters.
The next video is showing a battle. A magician and two fighters are showing off with their combat skills. The Animations are really looking great.
A female Guild Wars player, who was saying that she will play Guild Wars 2 for sure, is now thinking about to jump on the Aion - The Tower of Eternity train. She is now very excited about the game.
Next we get to see an Asmodian quest. The player has to search a missing child. The old witch living in the forest might new something but our client was to afraid to visit her on his own. Of course, the witch hexed the girl and transformed her into a frog. To end the transformation she needs some special mushroom as an antidote. But she is not willing to help until some kangaroo like creatures are killed because these are spoiling her garden. After this plague is erased one has to find the mushroom. Once it is obtained we are transformed into a frog,Roger vivier uk, too. Although this does not last for long we are forced to hop around for some time. But when the effect is worn out the witch has to accept her little trap was not successful. Now she is willing to release the child if the player shows her the right frog. This will not be very difficult, Amboss said the will behave very human like.
Because a spectator asked why all the shown scenes are taking place on the ground Amboss begins to explain. He sais that the flying ability should be considered as a gameplay element. It is not intended that players are able to fly for ever, because there is so much happening on the ground. This is to ensure flying remains something special. Meanwhile we can watch a ranger collecting clams for cooking.
A video about flying follows. A female Elyos is flying around,peuterey jacket manufacturers, first diving to ground than raising high. But after some time she has to meet the ground. Who climbs high will fall deep. Amboss remarks that the damage will be scaled depending on the height. A character could even die if the flying timer runs out while still in air.
The flying video follows a new character generation video featuring the Asmodians. They were even translating some of the generation bars for our community meeting. Eye form, lips form, lips size, chin form and many more. Almost everything is changeable. Amboss shows us some random characters. ugh there are some really ugly female Asmodians. When Gallagher asked if we can change the breast size. Amboss said: "Yes you can" and everybody laughed.
There is no way without mentioning how incredible detailed this game is. They put so much love into it,giuseppe zanotti outlet, that we can`t even find the right words to describe everything. "Normally western content is a new experience for NC Soft",giuseppe zanotti outlet, Amboss tells us,roger vivier shoes, "but its unbelieveable how they mastered it". For example. "Waiting Animations". If you are standing around your character will get bored. If you are standing in the water, he will begin to wash himself. If it starts to rain,roger vivier sale, the character will use a giant leave to prevent himself against the it. a really wonderful game. With all these little details, it invokes a feeling as if the game is really alive and everybody will understand it. after you try to look from above at the Boobs of your female character. If you do it, she will look up to you like "Geez. where are you looking at, you pervert?!!!!". With all these small things. it is clear that NC Soft puts a lot of humor, fun and self-mockery into this game.
The video Amboss is showing to us now is about Eltnen. It is an Elyos area with a level range between 20 and 30. On the one side it has a beautiful landscape on the other side it is a swamp. Dark, grim and eerie. Amboss did not want to go into the swamp because he had a too low level. A settlement of a monkey like race followed. This seemed to be still a part of Eltnen and even here you can find a lot of details. The monkeys are scratching hind end or picking their nose.
Next shown are the well known Krall territories where multiple Korean players already performed a raid. The Krall are often referred as the "Indians" of Aion. They are one of the oldest races of Atreia and powerful in close combat. The surrounding landscapes look a little like the old wild west, too.
Amboos talks about the ability of each character to use a rudimentary healing skill. But this skill is easily interruptet and because of this it is a way to speed up healing while not involved in a fight. If a player dies he or she will be resurrected at a resurrection shrine. This shrine has to marked and will always be the place of resurrection, not matter where you died. As Amboss had to admit that this feature forced him to walk a few miles. The experience loss after death is another topic which is discussed. A character looses about 5% of his experience when he dies. But this experience can be bought back and its loss will not cause achieved levels to vanish. In Amboss' opinion a penalty is necessary and we think the solution is a good one.
Now we get to see the "phoenix". It is a giant bird which can be used for means of transportation for short distances. It resembles the griffon rides in World of Warcraft,roger vivier sandals. The phoenix rides are said to be expensive but it can be a worth paying the fees if you have to reach a certain point fast.
We change to the Asmodians again. Pandaemonium and the majestic-mythical feeling of this city can be experienced. The city is giant and seems to have more details than a human eye can catch,Roger vivier outlet. Because of the few sun rays reaching Asmodea the plants evolved to fluoresce. When the sky turns to a bright gray you know it is the brightest time of day. Despite of this twilight or maybe even because of it everything seems to be like in a dream with thousands of different color shades. Apropos colors. You will be able to buy a range of colors and may even mix them to get more colors.
Sanctum follows and Amboss states that 1/3 of all deaths in Sanctum happen because people are trying to do a leap of faith. Certainly not a good idea, because Sanctum floats between the clouds. Laughing errupts within the audience. Sanctum offers beautiful views, not only the city but the sky as well. Within the city live giant dinosaur like creatures and eat the leaves of the trees.
At the moment Amboss has the feeling as if the Asmodians are faster in leveling. He thinks this is because the Asmodians who played Elyos before have now more knowledge about the game. Koreans are known for only playing beautiful characters and as a result of this choose the Elyos side in most cases. But Asmodians are not uglier than Elyos. Only the clawed feet, which may have been misinterpreted as high-heeled shoes by some, are disturbing the vision of a gorgeous Asmodian female. We had the feeling like it was easy for Elyos charakters to look like a prole. Asmodians did not seem to be endangered by this.
Now we see Altgard. Its a snowy, asmodian landscape. following a small path, the character arrives in a woody valley. It`s the home of the Mau, the opposite of the elysian Krall. The NPCs are influenced by day night, so they are standing or walking around, watching over the entrance of the hideout at day or are drinking some booze in the tavern at night. For example. if you look for an quest NPC, you will have to look for him at different places based on the time in the game. A female Mau walks around accompanied
by a white tiger. We even see a Mau caster and remembering that we can transform in one of them while doing a spy quest. Amboss says "There will be different potions for transformations and an elysian ranger class can transform into a wolf for 20 minutes and then you get speed boost.".
Again, the variety of details is impressive. The Mau are looking like old japanese samurais and small rope bridges are leading to a giant "mushroom", where the houses of the Mau are hanging down like small birdcages. The whole area is remembering us at a huge jungle with a wonderful, bewitching atmosphere and a beautiful choice of colours. The Elyos landscapes feeling very dreary against it, but in support of the Elyos. we saw almost only wastelands.
Amboss is thinking that Aion - The Tower of Eternity was finished around a half year ago but it`s only his opinion.
All things considered it was a really great evening for us. We experienced a lot and are now more impatient than ever. Martin "Amboss" Rabl and Martin Kerstein are some really cool guys and that will be not the last time that our paths are crossing. We are sure that we couldn`t even give you all a rudimentary insight about what we have seen but Aion - The Tower of Eternity is the most wonderful and detailed MMO we are going to see until now. Don`t miss it,roger vivier online!

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